Self-Care Books
47 Simple Wellness Tips for the Body, Mind, and Soul- Kendra Pennington
Session One: So this one was not planned, but I am happy I went! So, Shelby, my sister, calls me and says hey, this guy Collin has three openings today for the Bowen Technique, do you want to go at 5 p.m.? I of course was like, yes! What is the Bowen Technique? Click here.
Collin has a very calming prescense. He gives you some paperwork, so I would show up a little early. These sessions are done in loose, comfortable clothing and last one hour. We had this session in my sisters massage room, so I was on the table under the blanket all nice and warm. I began face down in the cradle and he started this very light pessure type of touching in specific areas. After he moved these areas he would go sit down and wait two minutes. This is done to let the energies integrate. I felt sensations running along the left side of my body specifically and could tell that there was some energy moving around each time he would do his technique. When I got up that is when I could really feel the energy running all throughout my body. It felt really good. When I got home though I was super thirsty, I drank a lot of water that night. We decided to schedule another appointment next week in order to help release blocked emotions. He gives you a sheet of paper with the guidelines on it so you are able to get the most benefit out of the session. For a week after this session I did what the guideliens suggestes. I worked out and walked around the local pond. I felt more grounded and better able to center myself during meditations. I have also noticed a new emotional range come to life that I believe had been being repressed.
Session 2: In this session we focused on removing emotional blockages. This session was different in that he preformed a few techniques and waited five minutes, then preformed the technique to release blocked energy and waited twenty minutes. He also helped my neck release so I did not have so much tension, which that worked instantly. during this session I used the time to meditate and breathe. I did feel sensations at my third eye for quite a while, then other energy shifts around my body. I moved and/or walked for a week like the guidelines suggested, in order to integrate the energy into my body.
During the time I received these treatments I was also receiving treatments from my biofeedback session, click here. It is difficult to say if a lot of my changes were due to the combination of everything or just one technique or treatment in particular. If and when I receive another Bowen treatment in the future I will write about it if I feel a significant change. Collin has an amazing story to tell as to how Bowen treatments healed his spine. If you would like to contact him his information is provided on this list.