How do we alkalize the body and why would we want to? When your body is "alkaline" it is in a healthy, neutral state of being. Meaning the pH is around 7. When we consume alkaline foods ( see chart below) we are able to maintain this state of balance which keeps our body at ease and helps keep "dis"-ease ( disease) from becoming part of our reality.
So, first thing in the morning , in about 4-8 ounces of room temperature water or warm water ( cold water shocks the system and can cause constipation), squeeze one whole organic lemon ( yes, organic and non-gmo is the way to go! ) into a glass of water. That's it. Super Simple way to start the day on an alkalized note! Click here to watch a video that talks about how food can help heal your body.
Would you like to add more?
Add 1/2 tsp.* of organic ginger powder, organic turmeric powder, and organic black pepper ( black pepper helps to activate curcumin, definitely look it up!) *Use 1 tsp. of grated ginger and turmeric when raw
Would you like to add a little more?
Add one tbl. of organic cold-pressed flax seed oil . Stir this together and drink up!
Self-Care Books
47 Simple Wellness Tips for the Body, Mind, and Soul- Kendra Pennington