Self-Care Books
47 Simple Wellness Tips for the Body, Mind, and Soul- Kendra Pennington
What we put on our bodies, matters
So what do we put "on" our bodies? Any type of soap, conditioner lotion, oils, essential oils, perfume, cologne, hairspray, hair gel, fingernail polish, fingernail polish remover, cleaning get the picture. So why does this matter? Your skin is an organ, it's a living breathing organism and it absorbs everything that comes into contact with it. So if the products you are putting on your body are being absorbed, shouldn't we be aware of the toxicity of those products? The everyday product listed above is full of toxins that are banned in some countries and are now labeled on healthier brands, for example, "no paraben" or "no synthetic fragrance". So it does pay to look at what is in the product you're using.
What we put in our bodies, matters
Our bodies are magnificent organisms, it can handle a lot of toxins, and it cleanses and repairs itself. But, there is a point where our bodies start to tell us we are out of balance. Usually, this is some sort of sickness or "dis"-ease ( disease ). So, if we read labels and choose what to put in our bodies, why wouldn't make the less toxic choice? The photo below is a fun way to notice labels: organic, non-GMO, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.
It is important to note that when an animal and/or plant is taken care of properly and truly has care and love when being grown and harvested, those vibrations and hormones released during care (if eating meat), are inside of what you're eating, and in return, those vibrations/hormones go into you.
Having stated all of the above, not only does it matter what is being used on the food we eat ( pesticide/herbicide) or the environment in which the food we eat is produced, but the actual ecosystem that surrounds the farms/agriculture is effected as well, it is a collective biome of cause and effect.
Does this mean you cannot have fun at a friend's house, go out to eat, and enjoy life? Absolutely not. Awareness is key. So, when you are aware of the choices you are making then you are aware of the way your body is responding, "is this a positive or negative reaction?", which means you will make choices on what to put in your body by listening and being aware. You are your own alchemist!

What we have around our bodies matters
When I was growing up, I would spray round-up on the unwanted grass in the walk-way, Home Defense around and in my house, use Palmolive or Dawn dish soap to wash my dishes, and spray Lysol to clean the bathroom, Glass Cleaner to clean the windows, Pledge to dust with, Febreeze to make the house smell better, Tide/ Downey/Clorox to wash my clothes, etc. Why? Because that's just the way it was, it's what my mom used and my mom's mom used, etc.
When I was 24 I worked in a daycare and I spent 5 months with a constant upper respiratory infection which almost turned into walking pneumonia. One day, after I had finished another round of antibiotics and was feeling better, I had this awakening, the air freshener that was being sprayed in the bathroom was making my throat hurt. There it was, environmental toxins.
There is a saying, " just because your mom left her hand on the burner doesn't mean you have to", my friends, I took my hand off the burner. These products are environmental toxins that cause your body to have adverse reactions, having you take medications that also kill your inner biome which creates more disruption inside of your body. We can make a difference by changing our toxic environment to a non-toxic one with these simple switches.

Why do any of this?
Our body needs to be balanced, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, for it to function properly. When our body is not well-rounded in these areas we get "dis-ease", meaning our body is out of ease. If you have the capability to lessen the toxins in your life, why wouldn't you?
Is it expensive?
HEB, Natural Grocers, Market Street, Marshalls, etc. are ways to obtain these products at lower costs. All of these stores even have their own brand of organics, which lessens the cost. If you don't have time to go to the store you can always order from an online site like Grove Collaborative, Puracy, etc.
How to not become overwhelmed
Just pick one thing from each section. Make a commitment to yourself to do that one thing in the time span of one week. Then move on to something else. When you start something new, it can feel uncomfortable, that is normal. Just breathe and know that uncomfortable feelings like this means that change is happening.
* If you would like to know more about these topics, there are a lot of reputable articles and sites that can be found on the internet. There is one episode of Dark History that pertains to this subject, I'll link it here.