Self-Care Books
47 Simple Wellness Tips for the Body, Mind, and Soul- Kendra Pennington
Cleansing Your Body
There are many talismans or objects that you can use such as palo santo , sage ( this is also called "smudging") or bay leaves. You would light it with your dominant hand, hold with dominant hand then take it in clockwise circles from the top of your head , down and around your body, then under the feet. Now, for me, lighting these is iffy because of my sinuses. Sometimes my body likes it and sometimes it does not.
So, if your body is not a fan of palo santo, sage, or bay leaves, then you can use a crystal called selenite . You would perform the cleaning in the same way above, just with the selenite.
Do you really need an object in order to cleanse your body?
No. Here is something you can do using God/Creator/Source energy. Close your eyes, take normal, natural breaths, and imagine your feet or sit bones are rooting you to the support underneath you and going into the earth. Then imagine that in the center of your heart there is a white light, expand the light around your body . You can go even further and expand the light into the room/space you are in, land you are on, the car you will be driving, or even the space you are going. An affirmation to say aloud or in your head could be, "I am sending all negative energy that is in or around me to God/Creator/Source energy and in its place I put the highest and best Divine energy of God/Creator/Source, it is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is, thank you. ".
The essential elements of this are to notice your breath, ground yourself, use the imagery, and state "it is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is, thank you". The next parts are essential, however, this is where the creative part for you is choosing what/who you are invoking, and what words you would like to use. Just remember that if you ask something to be released/removed then you need to add back in something, hence the wording I used above.
Get that body moving!
No matter where you are or where you are going, every hour get out of the position you are in and stretch from head to toe. We change the currency and flow of energy when we do this and add more oxygen to our body. This may stimulate new ways of thinking and feeling.
If you cannot remember to do this, set a timer on your device. Soon, your body may even begin reminding itself and you may start to honor that.
How to cleanse and protect yourself from others
Humans are huge energetic magnets. We give and receive energy all-day, every-day.
All thoughts have emotions attached, these emotions usually feel pleasant or unpleasant. These feelings then produce energy that is equal to that emotional feeling, which then produces that what result do you want today?
Are you aware of who you are sharing or merging your energy with? This is a great question to ask yourself often. Here are some more questions to ask yourself so that you can become aware of your own energy and how it relates to being around other people.
Are the thoughts you are thinking yours?
What tone of voice are you using towards yourself and others?
When you do things for others is this out of obligation or are you choosing to do it?
Does your dynamic between you and another need to change ?
Are you protecting your energy biome? After all, if you do not reserve the highest and best, light energy for yourself, how can you give anything to anyone else worth giving?
Are you/have you cut chords of attachment? This is especially important if you were in a toxic relationship of any kind, and especially if you have had sexual intercourse/sexual trauma with people and have not cut that energetic cord of attachment. How to do this would be to use the main instructions above under "Do you really need an object in order to cleanse your body?", then adding to it by imagining the chords between you and the other person/energy. Then imagine using a hot, burning, white light to literally cut the energetic chords attached to your energetic body.
Protecting yourself is as easy as this exercise: imagine a bubble of energy around you, notice your breath, connect to the surface beneath you, and state "Divine creator of all that is, archangels, legion of angels, my higher self, ancestors who want the highest and best for me, and guides, it is commanded that the highest best and loving energy is able to enter and leave my energetic protective bubble, and the energy that is not serving me in the highest and best way cannot enter but it can leave, and any energy that leaves I ask that the highest and best Divine creational energy be put in its place, it is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is, thank you. "
The essential elements of this are to notice your breath, ground yourself, use the imagery, and state "it is done, it is done, it is done, and so it is, thank you". The next parts are essential, however, this is where the creative part for you is choosing what/who you are invoking, and what words you would like to use. Just remember that if you ask something to be released/removed then you need to add back in something, hence the wording I used above.
Protecting yourself and cleansing places and things
Any place you spend time in such as the grocery store, park, your home, school, work, etc. holds energy of the past and the present. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and everything is energy. It is important to realize that all objects collect energy, because everything is made up of energy, which has positive and negative points of connection. Clutter and dust hold all kinds of energy ( positive and negative), when objects are not moved and dust is not removed, that energy becomes dull and stagnate. It is important to cleanse said objects using the methods above. If you practice awareness you can feel the energy of a space right when you walk into it.
Get rid of things you do not use, someone can use it. Are you keeping things just because you feel obligated to keep them? The feeling and emotion of obligation is never a good one. So, that object will hold that energy and influence your space outside of you and most importantly, inside of you.
Are you keeping something from a relationship that no longer exists due to a toxic/ non-serving environment that formed, hence why you both are no longer connected (friends, family members, and lovers)? That relationship stopped serving you , so did the objects with toxic memories. Remember fear based memories lead to those emotions, because our body imprints fear to protect us, so if you are trying to heal yourself, this is a good way to clear some energetic space.
If it is your house/work or a place you are vacationing in, grab the palo santo, sage, bay leaves and get to cleansing. Cleanse and bless every nook and cranny of your space. Corners hold a lot of stale energy.
Maybe even light some fair-trade/sustainably sourced incense, open the windows, and get some indoor plants of your choice to cleanse the air (plants also may help fight sadness, depression, anxiety, etc.).
Salt lamps, crystals, stones, and rocks are great additions to your household. Selenite is a powerful cleanser, so placing this every corner of your household can boost the energy of your home, and cleanse stale energy. It is my belief that selenite does not need to be cleansed, so placing it around other minerals, crystals, plants, etc. can help to cleanse those objects as well, as they do absorb all types of energy.
Maybe it is best if you live or work with others that you use methods that are okay for other individuals as well. If burning items is not acceptable, and placing crystals, etc. around your home/office is not going to work, use the energetic methods mentioned above. Create a light filled, loving biome in and around your body, expand it to the space you are going to or are in, and remember to breathe deeply a few times. Let the love from source energy fill the room .
Technology/Other odds and ends
Put your phone down at some point during the day for a set amount of time and limit your screen-time. Due to the EMFs ( electro magnetic frequencies) our biological system is affected negatively every-day. We add a lot of technology into our households which can, and does affect our personal electromagnetic fields in a poor way. At night you can either turn off your wifi in your house and have your phone on "sleep mode" which still allows urgent calls to come through. If you are not really worried about it, you can place your phone on airplane mode or even turn it off.
Go through your computer/phones/cameras/filing cabinets/other devices/spaces, and delete/organize things (documents, pictures, texts, emails, people you are no longer friends with, contacts you no longer contact, etc.). Trust me, it feels good to start removing energy that is stale. You do not even know it was weighing you down and not serving you until after you are done .
If you are adverse to giving things away to certain second hand stores, there are trucks that donate to churches/homes, metal portable boxes that donate to Safe Houses/Homes, and churches that donate to community members in your area.
How can I do this and not get overwhelmed?
You simply start by becoming aware and present in your day to day moments. How do you do that? You can set a timer on your phone to remind you to take a moment to pause every hour, take a a few natural, normal breaths , and observe your senses, no matter where you are at. After a while, you will be able to do this automatically.
Practice makes progress. If you practice everyday or a few times a week your body will start to create new neural pathways, and eventually the items in this write-up will become second-nature.