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Details of Having Emotion Code Treatments

Writer's picture: Kendra Pennington, LPC-AKendra Pennington, LPC-A

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Self-Care Books

Emotion Coding with Linda

Session One: Firstly, the facility at Vitality was very nice and it was just behind Natural Grocers which is my number one store. As I was talking to the emotion code practitioner Linda, I asked how she was able to charge her own prices. She said the rooms at Vitality are leased out which I think is really great because different health and wellness individuals are able to serve the community in an empowered and autonomous way.

I really enjoyed the fact that she explained her background as I was filling out a few sections of paperwork then we went over why I was coming to see her as she read over what I wrote. I believe in a creator so the energy behind Linda’s process resonated with me as she speaks to God. We had a long conversation about how I did not have a relationship with God/Creator because I was associating that with religion. She said, “religion is what nailed Jesus to the cross, it is about fear, manipulation, and control.” I couldn’t have agreed more and I was able to understand my relationship to the creator on a different level. I had associated that relationship with the relationship to my mom and dad, both of which I have had negative energy towards, ontop of correlating it to religion. After our discussion, she landed on “the heart wall”. Something that needed to be taken down in order for me to begin a deeper healing process. Now, something I agree with and it is something Linda was told by a doctor in Lubbock, Texas; The body is a whole organism, it is unified, not separate. When a person is wanting to heal their physical body they will not be able to do so fully until they also heal their emotional and mental states.

If you want to know what emotion coding is, click here. Emotion coding uses muscle testing to find where the emotions are blocked in the body. To begin the process I sat on one chair and she sat behind me on the other. She guided me through the session as she worked through emotion coding. I knew she was tapped into healing energy and shifts were taking place because my glutes and thighs (the part sitting on the chair ) were hot, as if an electric warmer on a car seat was on. A heart wall is an energetic blockage around the heart and my “wall” was made up of these energies along with their locations: unsupported/kidneys, abandonment/small intestine, heartache/small intestine, grief/colon, discouragement/colon, unworthy/all glands, overwhelmed/adrenal glands, panic/liver, anger/liver, anxiety/stomach and too good to be true/ whole body. It is also very important to note that I had mentioned all of these except the liver and glandular system on my piece of paper. So I intuitively have been being told by the creator that these are the sections I needed to focus on.

I took a picture of what I tested for and what was cleared during that session. I cried off and on the entire time, it was very cathartic. I left with a relationship with the creator and a sense of peace and ease. She mentioned that an emotional detox may happen but I have not had one after this session. The morning after the session I did wake up itching in various places. Sort of like I do sometimes when there is a full or new moon, it is energy releasing from the body. These sessions are unique to every individual that comes in so it is really difficult to explain a session besides what I have explained here. I am sure you could find some videos on YouTube or just book an appointment with her to see for yourself, what’s the harm, right ?! I truly have felt amazing since I left. I have not fallen back into old, low vibrational ways of being, I can sense that my body wants to go there but I just see it and veer away. I tested for four more sessions at three weeks apart and seeing as she books out a month in advance I had her pencil me in asap. I will write about the other sessions as I have them.

Session Two: Todays session was a really phenomenal experience. I came in with some very old but deep issues that I had yet to resolve, so that is what we worked on. Here is the list that I came in with, 1. The weight of my first partnership. My first boyfriend at the age of nineteen and how our relationship was everything I never wanted: cheating, lying, STI's, gaslighting, abuse mentally/emotionally... just everything that was in my familial line, generationally, genetically, what I was born into with a father who abandoned me and rejected me from the get go. I had given my first boyfriend everything, my trust, love, compassion. I had no discernment obviously and from then on that relationship has been haunting me and coloring all potential partners with the color of distrust. 2. Generational trauma with women and children in my family concerning familial sexual abuse and molestation from my grandfather ( who passed away when I was three) in concurrence with my own sexual molestation at the age of two. 3. Negative thoughts due to creative insecurity. 4. Me not wanting to have kids due to a variety of negative reasons. So here is what Linda was channeled during the session, 1. We broke the soul tie connected to my first ex. Before breaking this soul tie this connection was holding the energies related to grief, heartache, taken for granted, creative insecurity, unsupported, peeved, discouragement, and sorrow. 2. The negative reasons for not wanting kids were connected to the molestation that happened to me. My body did not want what happened to me to happen to my kids. This still did not change the fact that I honestly to not want to birth a child but it removed the negativity around having a child. 3. We found out that I was molested around 18 months not exactly two years of age and that he was stopped by my mom finding out about it. The effigy about this until this session I had never known for sure if I was molested. I believed my mom when she told me but because of how young I was I had no memory of it BUT the thing about trauma is that it is held energetically, it may be hiding, has been in my body. The energies that this connection was holding until it was cleared was abandonment, frustration, pain, shock, honor, fear, overwhelmed, rejection, crying, guilt and bitterness. 4. We cut the tie of generational trauma and ten generations of ancestors showed up to also be cleared.

During the clearings she saw and I felt this roaring energy of me finding my voice and screaming in all direrctions of the compass, not in fear or anger, but in a way like I was courageous warrior. It is important to note that when these lower vibratinal energies are being removed they are being replaced with higher vibrational energies like joy, love, peace, safety, etc. Afterwards I felt so good and powerful, light and joyful. I honestly cannot say enough about this line of healing. Without it I don't know how I would have gotten through these stuck energies that have been there for almost all of my life.


Emotion Coding with Lori

Session One: It turns out after my biofeedback appointment, click here, I needed to have an emotion coding appointment with a different practitioner named Lori. So, I said my goodbyes to Linda and thanked her for her services. I will be writing about my new emotion coding soon.

Trauma Trained
Life Coaching
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