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Applied Kinesiology & Soft Touch Chiropractic

Writer's picture: Kendra Pennington, LPC-AKendra Pennington, LPC-A

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Self-Care Books

This is my overall assessment of my first Applied Kinesiology (AK)  treatment in conjunction with soft-touch chiropractic. I had been going on a few years with the entire right side of my body being tight, sore and the main cause of my random headaches. Over the past two years, my left jaw developed a pop. Over the past year my right side had been more and more tense, so much so that when I would sit down I would be leaning over to the right. I would go see my other chiropractor, get massages, stretch, do yoga, work out, take Epsom salt baths, etc. but nothing seemed to help. The pain was getting to be too much and I developed an injury in my left arm that had gotten so bad that I could not use my left arm to even lift my purse. I had heard about AK treatment from my sister Shelby. She raved about Dr. Jordan Beall at Clark Chiropractic here in Odessa, Texas, but I just would not go. 

I finally went to see Dr. Beall! The first session is a chiropractic session and used as your consultation for an AK treatment then you can come to see her for an AK treatment the second time you see her. After that chiropractic session, I felt great, better than I had in years. She discovered my lymph system was not draining properly which accounted for two of my teeth on the left side, one upper and one lower hurting, my left ear not draining properly and my left arm becoming more immobile by each day. I stopped my everyday intense workout routine and began to integrate yin/relaxing/restorative yoga in-between each intense workout, plus I stayed off my hands/forearms for plank, stopped using weights, etc.

  I filled out the extensive paperwork before my first AK treatment and yes, she wants you to bring in all of your medications and supplements, I just took photos but she needs them there. I showed up for my first AK treatment which consists of a chiropractic treatment first then she works her magic. I was blown away after my first treatment. She discovered that my small intestine and stomach were not functioning properly, which correlated to the reason I came in in the first place which was the loss of mobility in my left arm, teeth, and ear. She said to stay away from anything that my GI tract was sensitive to and to stray away from caffeine. So for me, that meant beans, lactose, and gluten. I used Dandy Blend to supplement my coffee in the morning and ordered Swiss Water Method decaf coffee so I could still have coffee but without the chemical process which is commonly used to decaffeinate it, which causes me to be bloated and belchy. She assured me that anything she finds if a medical physician is needed she would let me know, so that let my mind rest. I did have about six days of headaches after this treatment though, even after my massage with my sister that following Friday. But after that, it was good. She said that everyone’s body reacts differently and she is totally right because my sister’s body did not react that way. During the session introduced me to Dr. Jolene Brighten, which is a naturopathic doctor whose main focus is on women’s bodies and getting them back to health after using birth control, after I had mentioned my own struggle of backne with coming off of the pill. I bought a set of supplements from her website and brought them with me to the next appointment, unopened, so I could send back what my body tested for not needing. What I did notice though afterward is I had more mobility in my left arm, I was not visibly bloated, I could see lines in my body that I could not see before, my GI tract was working great, my skin did not have a single breakout and I felt more vital.

In the second AK treatment, she worked on my right side and I felt a difference right away. She said my coccyx (tailbone ) was pushed to the left ( your tailbone, if it is shifted, makes it more difficult for your body to produce new red blood cells) but that as she was working on me I had fewer spots that were sticky. I brought all of my supplements and we tested them with her way of testing your body for what it needs and does need. I stopped taking the supplements she said my body tested negative for and sent back the supplements I did not need from Dr. Jolene Brighten and then bought the ones I did need. This time I did not have any negative reaction to the treatment and instead I have continued to notice positive results. 

I was seeing Jordan every two weeks and now I am going to see her every three weeks. Jordan is kind, personable and communicates to you about everything she is doing from start to finish. I am so thankful we have a holistic practitioner here in West Texas and I definitely value her services because they have improved my life to where I know I can grow older and feel more balanced and good in my body.

12/30/20 entry: I found todays appointment to be particularly important because I had a few things going on in my body that needed to be addressed. I have begun seeing Jordan every four weeks instead of every three. During the summer months I had a bacterial vaginosis infection, see my article about it here, and Jordan told me that the UTI I was suffering from today maybe because I had not taken antibiotics and the bacteria stuck around. UTI's for me has happened twice, maybe three times since I was 19 years old ( that is when I began having sex), so they are very few and far in-between. The reason, she said, was that the UTI came right after I ended my moon cycle, so it made sense. She also said that since I was taking antibiotics now it would probably get rid of the residual bacteria. What was more fascinating was that due to this infection it was affecting my spleen. The spleens function is many things but to note it recycles dead red blood cells, helps to get rid of waste and is important in maintaining immunity. The magic of AK proved itself once more. She touched by my spleen and it was very tender, she found the spot by my toe that was connected, and after she did her thing my spleen was no longer tender to the touch. My bladder also showed up, and rightfully so because it was what was also infected with the UTI. Again I wanted to explain AK. She had me bend my knees, lift my right foot and turned inward. The inside of my arch and ankle was very tender and she did her testing. She worked her magic and the tenderness went away instantly. I cannot make this stuff up! She also found that two lymph nodes were congested in my pubic region and she worked through those as well, lots of breath from me because sometimes this stuff makes me feel very nauseated, but only for a few seconds. What she said to incorporate was more fermented products into my diet. So I went and bought these items pictured below, I will be buying Kimchi at Natural Grocers next time I run over to Midland. She also stated that I needed to double my probiotic, which I was already, and take a different probiotic after I ran out of mine because it is good to change things up in the body. Lucky for me my friend Karra had given me some different probiotics just the other day, which are also pictured here next to my regular Garden of Life probiotics. Side note, if anyone is on antibiotics it is important to double up on probiotics and wait two hours before or after taking the antibiotic. We discussed another supplement she wanted me to take called Tulsi Supreme by Supreme Nutrition Products, click here to be taken to the website, it is not pictured because I had just ordered it.

Click here to schedule with Dr. Jordan Beall.

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